Bangladesh’s human rights situation worsened in 2013 due to government policies that supported singular identity politics. The country’s top-down approach, based on Bengali nationalism and Islam as the state religion, has led to conflict and violence among minorities who do not fit into the singular national identity. Minorities remain vulnerable to communal attacks, forced conversions, land grabbing, discrimination, intimidation, and sexual violence. This situation is reinforced by a culture of impunity, corruption, inefficiencies in the judicial system, non-existing constitutional protection for the right to education, rising extremism, and traditions fueling social stigmas towards marginalized groups. The 10th parliamentary elections in 2014 targeted ethnic and religious minorities, particularly Hindus, and the Buddhist community. Global Human Rights Defence (ghrd) has been monitoring human rights for religious and ethnic minorities in Bangladesh since 2003, focusing on sexual minorities since 2012.

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Categories: Bangladesh, Discrimination, Elections, Human Rights, Minority Rights, Sexual Violence