The LGBTQ+ community in Bangladesh faces numerous systemic injustices, including physical and sexual violence, low representation in political and administrative bodies, discrimination in employment policies, and lack of access to medical services. This report aims to present the current situation of the LGBTQ+ community in Bangladesh, which has been largely due to the rise of religious extremism in the country. Despite initial improvements, such as the legal recognition of Hijras in 2013, the position of the LGBTQ+ community deteriorated due to the increasing influence of Islam in the country’s public space. In 2016, the government urged to annul the Rainbow Rally celebration, and in the same year, Xulhaz Mannan, founder of Bangladesh’s first and only LGBT+-themed magazine “Roopbaan,” was killed by assailants associated with al-Qaeda. The number of arrests on the ground of “carnal intercourse against the order of nature” has exponentially increased in recent years, highlighting the ongoing police harassment against LGBTQ+ individuals. The report will analyze the legal, societal, political, and religious elements contributing to violence and discrimination towards the LGBTQ+ community, highlighting the ongoing violations of their fundamental human rights.

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Categories: Bangladesh, Discrimination, Human Rights, LGBTQIA+, Sexual Violence